Cuba, The Well, Sessions, Teaching – The Strange Life of Carl

Carl in Italy

Carl in Italy

Even from this view of my life I would say it is strange… or maybe unusual is a better word. When people look at all the different things I do they shake their heads and say how does that really work. LOL… I laugh now thinking the very same thing. I don’t know either.

I’ve lived in Nashville for 20 years and have worked in the recording studios around town, as well as my home studio, with various artists and producers. Yes, mostly Christian or worship projects, but I do get to work on some country, pop, jazz, commercial rock, or who knows what?….  Anyway, recording has not been my primary focus like some of my peers that stay “in town” most of the time. I also like some traveling… touring with Paul Baloche, Paul Wilbur, my wife – Leann, Don Moen, and others when the call comes. Doing live concerts and seminar events seem to be part of my calling too.

I believe the Lord is my manager and ordains my steps. So all of these paths, or forks in the road, are part of His journey for me. Because of that I’m also speaking, teaching, and leading worship with Leann at our gathering in town called The Well of Nashville. This is a unique meeting for the sole (or soul) purpose of waiting on the Lord… we worship, pray, and read from the Word as the Lord leads. Our motto is – “No agendas, just Jesus.”  You can follow us at Facebook –  or the website –

I’ve prayed many times about dropping out of one of these areas of my life… you know, thinking, “I just need to focus on one thing.” Well… I never seem to get a “peace” in my spirit about that. It seems like the Lord just keeps saying, “Relax, and let Me be the navigator of your ship.” And so… I go with the flow… Taking a turn down whatever stream or road the Lord opens for me. It’s a bit challenging because I have to prepare myself for so many different tasks. — I practice drum & percussion ideas… work in my studio to try to keep up with the latest recording techniques. (*an ever changing world for sure)…  work on new class or seminar ideas, or at least update what I do. I believe in “on going education.”  I’m also trying to be faithful to my study of the bible and other spiritual growth materials so I can teach and speak to people at The Well and other ministry events I do. — Anyway… that’s a brief glimpse of the world that is Carl Albrecht. Strange indeed.

My kit in a suitcase - Roland SPD-20 - DW kick trigger pedal - tambourine on floor

My kit in a suitcase – Roland SPD-20 – DW kick trigger pedal – tambourine on floor

So… coming up in the next few weeks — I’ve just returned from my trip to Cuba with the Paul Wilbur team – you can see more details at his web, even give to his ministry if you’d like-;  ; I’m working on some home studio projects – Yes, you can contact me if you’d like me to work with you too –;  I’m also working on this website (*that’s how you get to see this – I do this myself. With the help of some clever friends too./ Actually they built the site… I just maintain it now.) Working on the new “The Well of Nashville” website too; Leann and I also take this ministry on the road… if you’d like a night of worship or team training you can contact us. There’s more detailed info at Leann’s web –… ; I’m also doing some songwriting sessions… More seminar events, and tours being booked even now for the future. Blah, blah, blah…  OK… so I”m not bragging here… just responding to some of your questions about how I do this. LOL… 🙂   I don’t know, I’m just hanging on for the ride. Jesus is my manager!

I hope to see you somewhere out there in the future… Contact me if you want a drummer or percussionist for your event or project, or a producer for a record, a special seminar training event, or even a private lesson live or via SKYPE….  Yea, I know, my life is quite the smorgasbord. … OK, got to go now… there’s a turn coming up in the river here, and I have to see which way the Captain wants me to steer this ship.  Blessings to you on your journeys too, Carl  — **Enjoy this clip from an evening at The Well of Nashville… Yes, that’s me on guitar ( I do that too.) … but I felt inspired during this moment to play it as a percussion instrument. We often flow into spontaneous songs at these meetings… they sometimes break-out after a scripture reading, or prayer, or after a song we’ve sung… we just go with it!

Ephesians 5: 19 speaking to one another with psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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About Carl

Carl has been a professional drummer & percussionist for over 30 years. He has played on over 80 Integrity Music projects; Maranatha Praise Band recordings 7 thru 10, & numerous other Christian, Pop, Country, Jazz, & Commercial projects.


  1. Wow! From your previous posts, I knew that you did all of those things; but, when you put them all together . . .wow! When do you sleep, if ever? That you live an “exciting life” may not be a totally accurate description; but, it’s close, and I admire what you’ve done and are doing. Thanks for keeping us posted!

    • LOL… well, they don’t all happen at one time, but throughout a year all of them seem to fall on the calendar somewhere. I am humbled and honored to do what I do… Just trying to honor the Lord with what He’s given me to do. Thanks for your prayers as I try to follow His lead. Blessings on your journeys too. Peace, Carl

  2. julie richardt says

    Hi Carl,
    It’s been a long, long time, since Mezines drum shop! Glad to see you and Leeann are doing so well. I enjoy following you on Facebook.
    I’m fine, almost 62!!!!! Can’t believe it.
    Keep up the good work,

    • Hey Julie, WOW… I remember those days at Mezines Drum Shop. Great times… Prayin’ all is well in your world. Take Care, Carl

  3. Great sound! Super blessed and talented bunch of God chosen!

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