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I use a double ply head on the batter side (Evans EQ3 /sometimes an EQ4)/ A standard logo head on the front with a small hole cut at 3 or 9 o'clock; just large enough to get a microphone in the drum. Both heads are tuned very low... but not so loose that they sound "flappy", like paper. Then I pad it with a large bath towel in the bottom touching both heads (Maybe 2 to 3 inches thick). That's it. I normally use a Yamaha kick pedal with a the flat plastic side of the beater for a more powerful attack. I'll take out the padding or add more according to the sound I want.
I really like the Yamaha Clickstation. Unfortunately they don't make it anymore. 🙁 You could use the Tama Rhythm Watch/ any of the Boss Dr. Beat machines / or a small drum machine. Just be sure you get a machine that has a "tap tempo" feature and the ability to do songlists. You want to be able to switch quickly to the next tempo. It's also possible to use your laptop with a music software program that has an easy to use metronome feature. Ableton Live would be my choice for this. USE YOUR CLICK TRACK FOR ALL PRACTICES; REHEARSALS; & PERFORMANCES.
I really like the sound of MEINL cymbals. For a standard set up I use a 20" Medium Ride (Amun series or Byzance.) An 18" & 17" Medium Crashes (Byzance), * sometimes adding a 19" crash. 14" Custom Cymbal Shop Hi-hats -(*sorry they don't make these anymore).. so you could use the 14" Byzance Medium Hats. // When I want to expand I also have assorted Chinas, splashes, & other effect cymbals.// I may also add heavier cymbals in other situations. BUT.. the basic set-up always works great. (20" ride, 18, & 17" crashes, 14" hats.-- That works in ANY setting.
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