Drum Grooves for Worship
There are so many songs in contemporary worship, a drummer might think it’s impossible to learn them all. Carl Albrecht has taken on this monstrous task in order to show you how to prepare for the grooves of worship. After analyzing the top 100 CCLI Worship songs (www.ccli.corn), Carl found that there are only "seven", essential types of drum patterns used in modern worship. Even though there are … [Read More...]
Carl Albrecht

Carl has been a professional drummer & percussionist for over 40 years. He has a Bachelors of Music Degree in Composition and Arranging with an emphasis in percussion studies from Webster University in St. Louis, Mo. He has played on over 80 Integrity Music projects; Maranatha Praise Band recordings 7 thru 10, & numerous other Christian, Pop, Country, Jazz, & Commercial projects. Carl has worked with such artist as Ron Kenoly, Don … [Read More...]
The Latest from Carl

Carl is “OFF the Road.” A new season!
Yes, it’s true. I have officially left the Paul Baloche band. After 20+ years with Paul I decided, back in March of 2016, that it was time to move on. Many of you were surprised, and actually it was even a shocking decision for me too. These guys are my friends, comrades… even brothers. So […]

Endorsing “Heartbeat Cymbals” – The Switch
I move very slowly when making a change in endorsements. So it comes with great excitement & much artistic soul searching that I am officially announcing my move to the Heartbeat Cymbal Company from Canada (Handcrafted in Turkey. * More on this later). In my early years I was a Zildjian cymbal fan – not […]

A Home Studio, Producing, Writing, Teaching, and Pastoring
Even with staying in Nashville more I’m wearing “many different hats.” I’m still adjusting to the NEW season. — Read on — In the modern recording world almost EVERY musician has some kind of home recording set up. It’s just the nature of the music business today. Even though I really enjoy being in a […]

The Worship Drum Book — Available NOW! — With DVD clips!
The Worship Drum Book has been out for several years. It has been an encouragement to many drummers! Thank you all for your prayers, support, & encouragement during this process. This was one of the most challenging projects I’ve ever undertaken. I’ve studied and taught drum & percussion lessons for years. More recently I’ve been […]
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