Just To Be With You

 Only in the presence of the LORD can we find the “FULLNESS” (the complete-ness) of joy! Sometimes just playing a simple groove is all you need for a song. Always serve the music!

Groove is Everything:
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About Carl

Carl has been a professional drummer & percussionist for over 30 years. He has played on over 80 Integrity Music projects; Maranatha Praise Band recordings 7 thru 10, & numerous other Christian, Pop, Country, Jazz, & Commercial projects.


  1. I often have this same thought. A simple groove often allows me to worship more as a play but I wonder also if it allows the body to worship more, at least subconsciously, since the groove and rhythm is not so complicated. Serving the music and in turn the body and in turn our Lord… I like it !!!

  2. It would be cool if you made the YouTube links on this page Hyperlinks. I usually look at these on my phone and I can’t cut and paste. If it was a hyperlink I could just click on it and then watch.

  3. I love it! KISS is best for leading worship. Carl thanks for your tips and helping us grow to be better drummers to serve our awesome King!

    • thx. bro. — yea.. KISS – Keep It Simple Silly (I know they say Stupid – just don’t want the kids using that term.) 🙂 Keep serving the song. Peace, Carl

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